Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Baking yeast is called technically pure culture Assagay cerevisiae, which is a fairly complex single-celled organisms, quick to adapt to changes in the environment [1]. The quality of the finished bread products is dependent on the biotechnological properties of the yeast used, which determine the necessary degree of loosening, intensify acid accumulation and affect the formation of taste and aroma of bread. Depending on the presence of oxygen in the culture medium, baking yeast can carry out its activity both in anaerobic and aerobic conditions, i.e. they are optional anaerobes [2]. Yeast cells always have both respiratory and fermentation enzymes, so switching yeast from respiration to fermentation does not take time [3]. Under the activity of the fermentative enzymes of yeast refers to the activity of enzymes of glycolysis sinusnogo (break down glucose, fructose, sucrose flour) and multanova (ferment maltose, which is formed by hydrolysis of starch flour) complexes. Wintering activity of yeast with good baking properties should be no more than 60 minutes, and maltase - no more than 100 minutes [4]. The most important technological indicator of baking yeast is maltase activity, because in wheat dough during fermentation, a large amount of maltose is formed, the rapid fermentation of which leads to the production of high quality bread. The increased activity of maltase enzymes helps to reduce the duration of the fermentation stage of the sponge by about 1-1.5 h and reduces the consumption of yeast for kneading the test semi-finished product, while the duration of its fermentation remains the same [5]. Yeast used in the production of bread often do not meet quality standards in terms of enzyme activity [6]. Therefore, such a problem for baking enterprises as an increase in the activity of the fermentation complex of yeast enzymes is relevant today. And, therefore, when choosing Baker’s yeast, they are subject to high requirements, which are caused by the breadth of intensive dough preparation technologies and economic aspects - the need to reduce the dose of yeast, provided that they have a high activity of fermentation enzymes. Indicators of yeast quality and activity of their fermentation complex of enzymes are determined by the influence of various conditions, such as: the nature of raw materials, the presence of mineral salts and carbon sources in the nutrient medium, the method of cultivation, temperature, pH size and aeration rate, the presence of uncultured («wild») bacteria and yeast, the method of yeast isolation from the nutrient medium, filtering and pressing yeast into briquettes and many others [7].

fermentation activity, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast vigor

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