UDK 339.7 Международные финансы
The article examines the theoretical aspects of the digital economy and digitalization, identifies the areas of influence of digital platforms, and characterizes the level of digitalization at the present stage. A comparative analysis of the state of digital platforms and the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation is carried out. The main problems and prospects for the development of Russian industry markets for digital platforms are identified. Based on the analysis of the use of digital technologies in various sectors of the Russian economy, it is proved that the digitalization of the economy has an ambiguous character, has both positive and negative sides. The processes of formation of digital platforms are developing unevenly across Russia, which is manifested in a comparative analysis of indicators of digitalization indices, as well as statistical data on the use of information and communication technologies by the population and enterprises. The conclusion is made about the need for comprehensive support of digitalization processes, including in the regions, taking into account the indices and indicators considered in the paper.
digital economy, information technology, industry markets, digital platforms, integration of information resources, intelligent networks, digital factory
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