Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Import substitution is facilitated by localization of production of the pool of domestic residents of industrial parks. Localization of production is carried out by residents of industrial parks, which expand the market for products in the territories of supporting countries. Measures of state support have been provided to the automotive industry for a long time, subject to the principles of industrial policy of the localization country. The Central, Volga and North-West districts are leaders in the number of industrial clusters. The priority direction of the industrial development strategy is the development of inter-industry clusters, which ensures the socio-economic development of regions. The introduction of advanced development territories and industrial clusters will ensure localization of production. Localization is aimed at the development of investment potential, as a tool for the formation of a cluster economy, the article presents an analytical review of accumulated investments by residents of industrial parks. The article presents a comparative characteristic of cluster examples. The authors determine the importance of unifying Russian requirements and approaches to localization. It is advisable to launch new measures to support residents of industrial parks. The authors propose to consider measures of state support for import substitution and localization projects, preferential lending at 5% is provided. The level of production in the country of localization of products is characterized by the specifics of production and the tools of technological maps.Depending on the need for localized production, the volume limits for the output of products and components are established. The authors determine the need to amend the regulatory requirements for localization processes in the industrial sector. As a result of the proposed recommendations, the localization level increases to 60%. Cooperation with domestic manufacturers is aimed at increasing the level of technological development, autonomy, flexibility of equipment placement, and logistics efficiency. Crisis factors determine the stimulating role for activating production localization in stakeholder programs and territorial systems, as well as access to advanced technologies, which ensures the receipt of goodwill. The purpose of the study is to develop a production localization mechanism as a tool for the formation of a cluster economy, which can be achieved through the implementation of tasks by extender and recipient companies.

localization, cluster economy, industrial parks, pool, extender, recipient
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