Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research paper examines ways to optimize resource management at production facilities through the use of integrated management systems, while noting the key features and advantages of such business process control models to increase the competitiveness of enterprises; in modern conditions, it is important to accurately describe, unify and formalize logistical and monetary solutions for resource management; the restructuring of business processes should be carried out through an integrated approach, analysis of general requirements and market segment requests; using general principles to achieve the desired results – as an example, it is worth giving the need to evaluate information about the final goal of resource management, about the internal and external structure, about the main risks of commercial activity; management is a set of components that define the rules, forms and methods of management, impact on different objects in order to achieve the goal; and integrated resource management systems are based on formalization, precision of regulation, rejection of uncertainty of parameters – which guarantees high efficiency of control over the distribution of different categories of objects.

resource management, integrated systems, management, enterprise, optimization of business processes, commercial activity, difficulties of adaptation, improvement of business competitiveness, strategic management, reorganization of resource management
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