Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The incidence rate is a key indicator of population health, reflecting the prevalence, dynamics and structure of registered diseases both among the entire population and in separate groups (by age, gender, profession, etc.). This indicator can also serve as a criterion for assessing the work of medical workers and institutions, as well as the entire healthcare system. The relevance of studying morbidity is associated with its close relationship with other important socio-economic indicators, such as birth rate, mortality, life expectancy and the number of working-age population. Uncontrolled growth of morbidity can lead to a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality and a reduction in life expectancy, which ultimately causes demographic and economic problems. Given that the incidence rate of the population affects economic development and the general well-being of society, the purpose of this work is to conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis and forecasting of morbidity rates.

econometrics, structural studies, statistical studies, monitoring tools, morbidity monitoring
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