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Abstract (English):
Data analysis using artificial intelligence helps specialists solve problems and make strategic decisions. With the help of LCA, an overall life cycle analysis is performed, but more attention needs to be paid to environmental indicators. As, for example, in E-LCA. Also, the use of AI in production at various stages of the product life cycle helps to adhere to sustainability, which is a necessary agenda for development and competitiveness. The closed-loop economy aims to minimize waste, allocate resources correctly, and transition to reuse. Optimizing resources and minimizing costs are two areas that require new approaches to their modernization. Machine learning provides a great perspective for optimizing these processes, and the use of AI in analytics helps to adjust changes quickly and with greater accuracy. Which technologies can be used to analyze large amounts of data more efficiently. There are already a number of AI technologies that are used to automate lifecycle management processes. As a result of the analysis in production, certain production processes can be upgraded or adjusted. As well as assist in predictive analytics and operational control and quality management. The introduction of AI technologies has extensive prospects for improving production efficiency. Also, the use of AI-based LCA will have a positive effect in automation and efficiency of decision-making and increase the sustainability of production. The article examines the possibilities of using AI in the analysis and management of the product lifecycle in production. Current and prospective assessment systems based on environmental indicators are considered and opportunities for the introduction of machine learning into software to optimize resources and improve work efficiency throughout the product lifecycle are identified using practical examples. The purpose of the scientific article is to investigate the use of artificial intelligence in product lifecycle management. It is necessary to understand how effective and possible the implementation of AI is to achieve results and what problems may arise.

sustainable development, industrial enterprises, Artificial intelligence (AI), Closed-loop economy
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