Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the audience and the importance of the employer branding creation in the modern world, as well as the strategic need and specifics of working with schoolchildren and students. The article reveals the importance of early involvement of schoolchildren and students at the stage of their education. It also provides for consideration the methodology of early professional orientation and involvement as a tool of working with this audience.

brand, employer branding, talents, attraction, audiences, schoolchildren, potential employees, involvement, early professional orientation, vocational guidance, early career guidance system
The article discusses the audience and the importance of the employer branding creation in the modern world, as well as the strategic need and specifics of working with schoolchildren and students. The article reveals the importance of early involvement of schoolchildren and students at the stage of their education. It also provides for consideration the methodology of early professional orientation and involvement as a tool of working with this audience.

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