Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the role of mediation in improving the economic feasibility and efficiency of modern companies. The author comes to the conclusion that mediation activity allows to increase productivity of direct producers of goods on the basis of deepening of specialization, accelerates rates of turnover (circulation) of the capital, allows to saturate commodity markets to objectively required sizes and to carry out functioning of direct producers taking into account interests of final consumers. The existence of brokering takes place as long as it retains the ability to distribute goods (services) with greater effect and benefit than the producers themselves, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost paid by consumers for goods and services.

mediation, economic feasibility, efficiency of activity, commercial companies
The article discusses the role of mediation in improving the economic feasibility and efficiency of modern companies. The author comes to the conclusion that mediation activity allows to increase productivity of direct producers of goods on the basis of deepening of specialization, accelerates rates of turnover (circulation) of the capital, allows to saturate commodity markets to objectively required sizes and to carry out functioning of direct producers taking into account interests of final consumers. The existence of brokering takes place as long as it retains the ability to distribute goods (services) with greater effect and benefit than the producers themselves, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost paid by consumers for goods and services.

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