Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Studies of water protection zones of reservoirs were carried out in the Istra-Zvenigorod physical and geographical area. The quality of natural waters is influenced by pollution from local sources, as well as with the global transfer of air masses, landscapes of water protection zones, the degree of their anthropogenic disturbance and mode of use. To determine the pollution entering the water protection zone, the method of complex landscape-geochemical studies was used, the sources of air pollution, the ways of migration and accumulation of pollution were identified. The current state of water protection zones of reservoirs and their impact on the formation of water quality is studied. The dependence of water quality of reservoirs on the degree of disturbance of landscapes of water protection zones is revealed. The effectiveness of water protection zones depends on the landscape of the catchment area. It is established that the anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of water protection zones do not sufficiently clean the surface runoff, so measures are needed to optimize the functioning of landscapes.

reservoirs, water protection zones, catchment, bottom sediments, water quality, landscapes
Studies of water protection zones of reservoirs were carried out in the Istra-Zvenigorod physical and geographical area. The quality of natural waters is influenced by pollution from local sources, as well as with the global transfer of air masses, landscapes of water protection zones, the degree of their anthropogenic disturbance and mode of use. To determine the pollution entering the water protection zone, the method of complex landscape-geochemical studies was used, the sources of air pollution, the ways of migration and accumulation of pollution were identified. The current state of water protection zones of reservoirs and their impact on the formation of water quality is studied. The dependence of water quality of reservoirs on the degree of disturbance of landscapes of water protection zones is revealed. The effectiveness of water protection zones depends on the landscape of the catchment area. It is established that the anthropogenically disturbed landscapes of water protection zones do not sufficiently clean the surface runoff, so measures are needed to optimize the functioning of landscapes.

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