Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the conditions of integrity of the system of personality needs. The author suggests that the diversity and socially conditioned level of development, as well as the harmonic relationship of all personality needs is historically conditional and requires in-depth study of the relationship of personal needs and social Activity. The human factor cannot be activated without taking into account the trends in demand. The growth of human spiritual needs has led to a decline in the role of material remuneration for work as a universal means of satisfying needs. This is reflected in the increasing value of additional free time compared to additional material remuneration. The article can be used as managers, employees, postgraduates, students of the system of higher and general education, to improve the educational process. The materials presented in the article will be of interest to politicians, economists and psychologists, sociologists, all who are interested in the role of needs in activation of the human factor.

Human factor, Social activity, personality, Quantitative and qualitative composition of needs, Forms, means, ways of satisfying needs, Public production
The article describes the conditions of integrity of the system of personality needs. The author suggests that the diversity and socially conditioned level of development, as well as the harmonic relationship of all personality needs is historically conditional and requires in-depth study of the relationship of personal needs and social Activity. The human factor cannot be activated without taking into account the trends in demand. The growth of human spiritual needs has led to a decline in the role of material remuneration for work as a universal means of satisfying needs. This is reflected in the increasing value of additional free time compared to additional material remuneration. The article can be used as managers, employees, postgraduates, students of the system of higher and general education, to improve the educational process. The materials presented in the article will be of interest to politicians, economists and psychologists, sociologists, all who are interested in the role of needs in activation of the human factor.

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