Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the theoretical and legal foundations of public administration in the field of environmental protection and environmental management of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of economic stimulation of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The concept "ecological problem" is defined, the General idea of the reasons and consequences of ecological problems of different level is given, possible ways of their overcoming are shown. The basic forms of interaction between man and nature, aimed at the use of natural resources, properties and qualities of natural objects to meet the needs of all sectors of economic and other activities and ultimately - the needs of people.

environmental protection, nature management, man and nature, environmental activities
The article deals with the theoretical and legal foundations of public administration in the field of environmental protection and environmental management of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of economic stimulation of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The concept "ecological problem" is defined, the General idea of the reasons and consequences of ecological problems of different level is given, possible ways of their overcoming are shown. The basic forms of interaction between man and nature, aimed at the use of natural resources, properties and qualities of natural objects to meet the needs of all sectors of economic and other activities and ultimately - the needs of people.

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