Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of modeling the youth labor market. The authors examined the behavior of students in the labor market in terms of their free time and choice: to study or work, and students are clustered according to the forms of instruction. To analyze the data obtained during the study, the authors used the coefficient of fuzzy sets and the coefficient of free time. The combination of the theory of fuzzy sets and the coefficient of free time (Salai coefficient) makes it possible to forecast the unemployment rate.

employment, free time, labor market, criterion, fuzzy sets, coefficient, model, estimate
The article is devoted to the problem of modeling the youth labor market. The authors examined the behavior of students in the labor market in terms of their free time and choice: to study or work, and students are clustered according to the forms of instruction. To analyze the data obtained during the study, the authors used the coefficient of fuzzy sets and the coefficient of free time. The combination of the theory of fuzzy sets and the coefficient of free time (Salai coefficient) makes it possible to forecast the unemployment rate.

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