Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to the analysis of process of digital modeling of control systems of life cycle of aviation engines. Process of use of new systems and technologies in borders of new technological way is analysed. It is established that a key to successful development of the modern engine-building enterprises are mobilizers and educational programs which quickly and effectively bring results and act as key drivers for development of national economy. Prospects of the main directions in development of processes of digital modeling of life cycle of production taking into account total digital change of economy are defined. A number of requirements to activity of the modern global markets is established. The key aspect of the 4 industrial revolution ⎯ digital production which represents the multilevel metasystem which is carrying out collecting and processing of exact data for the complex analysis of information is marked out. It will entail for systematic change of the existing life cycle and production of new level. The fast manufacture of non-standard things and high level of mass production will be inherent in the new sphere of production. The main components of management of digital life cycle of aviation products within the concept "The Industry 4.0" are given. Systematization of the main trends in work of management teams is carried out. The conclusion about system assessment of a maturity of the enterprise in development of digital technologies is drawn.

digital economy, modeling of business processes, augmented reality, digital life cycle of products, digital transformation, diffusion of technologies, modern engine-building
Article is devoted to the analysis of process of digital modeling of control systems of life cycle of aviation engines. Process of use of new systems and technologies in borders of new technological way is analysed. It is established that a key to successful development of the modern engine-building enterprises are mobilizers and educational programs which quickly and effectively bring results and act as key drivers for development of national economy. Prospects of the main directions in development of processes of digital modeling of life cycle of production taking into account total digital change of economy are defined. A number of requirements to activity of the modern global markets is established. The key aspect of the 4 industrial revolution ⎯ digital production which represents the multilevel metasystem which is carrying out collecting and processing of exact data for the complex analysis of information is marked out. It will entail for systematic change of the existing life cycle and production of new level. The fast manufacture of non-standard things and high level of mass production will be inherent in the new sphere of production. The main components of management of digital life cycle of aviation products within the concept "The Industry 4.0" are given. Systematization of the main trends in work of management teams is carried out. The conclusion about system assessment of a maturity of the enterprise in development of digital technologies is drawn.

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