Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers a literary survey of the state of the study of contextual advertising as an integral part of Internet marketing, the cost of transitions from advertisements of contextual advertising to the Google search system is analyzed. The maximum and minimum, the upper quartile, the arithmetic mean and the median, the lower quartile, the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, the standard error of the mean, the confidence interval of the average, the lower bound and the upper limit are determined. Based on the research results, you can optimize existing contextual advertising campaigns to reduce the cost of moving to the advertiser's target site.

Google AdWords, contextual advertising, pay per click, Google AdWords
The paper considers a literary survey of the state of the study of contextual advertising as an integral part of Internet marketing, the cost of transitions from advertisements of contextual advertising to the Google search system is analyzed. The maximum and minimum, the upper quartile, the arithmetic mean and the median, the lower quartile, the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, the standard error of the mean, the confidence interval of the average, the lower bound and the upper limit are determined. Based on the research results, you can optimize existing contextual advertising campaigns to reduce the cost of moving to the advertiser's target site.

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