Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article defines the concept of a cluster, considers cluster policy as one of the key directions in the development of clusters, identifies the purpose and objectives of cluster policy, suggests the formation of an oil and fat cluster as an integral part of the strategy for the development of an oil and fat subcomplex. The set of factors determining the development of the oil and fat cluster, which are divided into levels of development, is described in detail, each level is considered in detail. The structure of the oil and fat cluster in the region has been compiled, the basic activity of the components of the oil and fat cluster has been determined, and their interaction has been revealed.

oil and fat cluster, oil and fat subcomplex, cluster policy, development strategy, structure of oil and fat cluster, center for cluster development
The article defines the concept of a cluster, considers cluster policy as one of the key directions in the development of clusters, identifies the purpose and objectives of cluster policy, suggests the formation of an oil and fat cluster as an integral part of the strategy for the development of an oil and fat subcomplex. The set of factors determining the development of the oil and fat cluster, which are divided into levels of development, is described in detail, each level is considered in detail. The structure of the oil and fat cluster in the region has been compiled, the basic activity of the components of the oil and fat cluster has been determined, and their interaction has been revealed.

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