Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A certain system of social institutions is formed in the society, it meets sosiety needs at any stage of development. Over time, social institutions are modified, improved, replaced by new ones, depending on new needs and social order. Now a new social institution has appeared - the children's development center, it meets the social need of early harmonious and all-round development of children's potential, and serves as a link between the preschool and school stages of education. The functions of children's development centers are quite diverse, they include most of the functions of out-of-school institutions that precede their appearance (home of pioneers, children's parks, children's camps, etc.), but they are implemented at a new modern level. The main idea of any children's development center, regardless of its orientation, is the inculcation of the habit of systematic training, the need for acquiring new knowledge and deepening the existing ones.

children's development center, social institution, function of a social institution, additional education, socio-pedagogical function
A certain system of social institutions is formed in the society, it meets sosiety needs at any stage of development. Over time, social institutions are modified, improved, replaced by new ones, depending on new needs and social order. Now a new social institution has appeared - the children's development center, it meets the social need of early harmonious and all-round development of children's potential, and serves as a link between the preschool and school stages of education. The functions of children's development centers are quite diverse, they include most of the functions of out-of-school institutions that precede their appearance (home of pioneers, children's parks, children's camps, etc.), but they are implemented at a new modern level. The main idea of any children's development center, regardless of its orientation, is the inculcation of the habit of systematic training, the need for acquiring new knowledge and deepening the existing ones.

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