Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of this research is to develop a series of proposals to optimize management and administration of Federal land located within the boundaries of settlements. In the course of this research were applied theoretical methods, including analysis and synthesis of received information, generalization, and empirical methods of research, including study of literature and documents, monitoring, retrospection, forecasting. The object of this research are land plots in Federal ownership and located in Tyumen region. The article considers organization of sustainable development of territories of municipal formations due to the compensation-free transfer of Federal land plots into their property. There are also proposals developed to bring the actual use of Federal land plots located within the boundaries of settlements, the intended use of foreseen urban-planning documentation of municipalities. General lay-out and land-use regulation, Tyumen urban district buildings and site design were studied and improvement suggestions for are made. Conclusions about the need to use synergy between land and town-planning legislation, e.g. approval of urban planning documentation at various levels will be reason for compensation - free transfer of land from Federal ownership into the ownership of other public entities. Land withdrawal for municipal needs allows to solve current urban problems. However, while implementing this procedure it is extremely important to take into account the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities to determine fair amount of compensation and to provide full assistance to owners of withdrawn land.

land and property relations, federal property, urban development, agglomeration territories
The aim of this research is to develop a series of proposals to optimize management and administration of Federal land located within the boundaries of settlements. In the course of this research were applied theoretical methods, including analysis and synthesis of received information, generalization, and empirical methods of research, including study of literature and documents, monitoring, retrospection, forecasting. The object of this research are land plots in Federal ownership and located in Tyumen region. The article considers organization of sustainable development of territories of municipal formations due to the compensation-free transfer of Federal land plots into their property. There are also proposals developed to bring the actual use of Federal land plots located within the boundaries of settlements, the intended use of foreseen urban-planning documentation of municipalities. General lay-out and land-use regulation, Tyumen urban district buildings and site design were studied and improvement suggestions for are made. Conclusions about the need to use synergy between land and town-planning legislation, e.g. approval of urban planning documentation at various levels will be reason for compensation - free transfer of land from Federal ownership into the ownership of other public entities. Land withdrawal for municipal needs allows to solve current urban problems. However, while implementing this procedure it is extremely important to take into account the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities to determine fair amount of compensation and to provide full assistance to owners of withdrawn land.

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