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Abstract (English):
In article on the basis of an assessment of the current state and use of agricultural lands and their territorial organization substantiates the necessity of the work in planning the use and protection of land-based land management schemes at the country level, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities and organizations for their rational use in the order of development projects on-farm land and agricultural organizations. In agriculture, the country is not used more than 50 million hectares of farmland acreage decreased by more than 40 million hectares, more than 70% of agricultural land is exposed to various negative influences; there is no science-based organisation agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) holdings. There is no reliable information about the quantitative and qualitative state of the land, their usage, legal status and location of unused agricultural land, unformed and unclaimed equity of land ownership, etc. For the solution of problems of rational use and protection of agricultural land is necessary to deal with these problems and then decide how, where and what methods to solve them, it is necessary to use the mechanism of land management, comprising, in accordance with the Federal law «On land management», study of the status of land use planning and protection of land resources at the country level, a subject of the Russian Federation and municipal entities. The basis of these events should be a complete inventory of agricultural lands that will provide reliable information about the actual quantitative and qualitative status of the lands and their legal status, the nature of the processes and factors of negative impact on the earth, the influence of soil quality on the efficiency of production activities, according to the level of their natural potential, about the organization of the territory of agricultural organizations, the need of optimization of the lands, and appropriate directions for sustainable agricultural production.

zemel'nye resursy, zemel'naya reforma, importozameschenie, planirovanie ispol'zovaniya i ohrana zemel', shema zemleustroystva, proekt vnutrihozyaystvennogo zemleustroystva, inventarizaciya zemel', zemel'naya dolevaya sobstvennost', specializaciya
In article on the basis of an assessment of the current state and use of agricultural lands and their territorial organization substantiates the necessity of the work in planning the use and protection of land-based land management schemes at the country level, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities and organizations for their rational use in the order of development projects on-farm land and agricultural organizations. In agriculture, the country is not used more than 50 million hectares of farmland acreage decreased by more than 40 million hectares, more than 70% of agricultural land is exposed to various negative influences; there is no science-based organisation agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) holdings. There is no reliable information about the quantitative and qualitative state of the land, their usage, legal status and location of unused agricultural land, unformed and unclaimed equity of land ownership, etc. For the solution of problems of rational use and protection of agricultural land is necessary to deal with these problems and then decide how, where and what methods to solve them, it is necessary to use the mechanism of land management, comprising, in accordance with the Federal law «On land management», study of the status of land use planning and protection of land resources at the country level, a subject of the Russian Federation and municipal entities. The basis of these events should be a complete inventory of agricultural lands that will provide reliable information about the actual quantitative and qualitative status of the lands and their legal status, the nature of the processes and factors of negative impact on the earth, the influence of soil quality on the efficiency of production activities, according to the level of their natural potential, about the organization of the territory of agricultural organizations, the need of optimization of the lands, and appropriate directions for sustainable agricultural production.

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