Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 338.433.4 Торговля средствами производства для сельского хозяйства. Материально-техническое снабжение сельского хозяйства
UDK 631.15 Организация и управление сельскохозяйственным производством
The article is devoted to the study of issues of organizing the material and technical base of integrated agro-industrial formations (IAIF). The features of the formation of the optimal structure of the material and technical base of the integrated enterprises of the Voronezh Region are revealed. The analysis of the cost of fixed assets in large integrated structures of the Voronezh Region for 2018-2022 is given. It has been established that the material and technical base (MTB) is updated more dynamically in integrated agro-industrial formations; the heads of the integrated enterprises of the Voronezh Region, when making management decisions, rely mainly on expanded reproduction and implementation of innovations. At the same time, the level of the technical and technological base of integrated structures in the region is not the same, uneven development is traced, as a consequence, differentiation of the innovative potential. An assessment of the efficiency of fixed assets is given. Calculations of capital provision, capital-labor ratio, capital productivity and profitability of fixed assets of large integrated enterprises of the Voronezh Region for the period 2018-2022 are made. In the integrated structures of the region an increase in the coefficients of capital provision and capital-labor ratio was revealed. In addition, their return on assets increases and the efficiency of using fixed assets increases.
material and technical base, integrated agro-industrial formations, capital provision, capital-labor ratio, capital productivity, profitability of fixed assets
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