Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 65.011.12 экономического характера
The article presents the result of a study of the actual possibilities of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity by educational organizations of higher education. The legal grounds for carrying out such activities are considered, determined by the current federal law "On Education", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and legal acts regulating the accounting of intangible assets of organizations. The possibilities of introducing the results of intellectual activity of an educational organization into economic circulation are analyzed in three keyways: the realization of the rights to use them; inclusion in the composition of intangible assets and use as a contribution to the authorized capital of a business company (partnership). The current problems of intellectual property transfer are identified, and ways to improve the activities of educational institutions of higher education on the commercialization of intellectual property results based on the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization are proposed.
intellectual property, results of intellectual activity, commercialization of results of intellectual activity, intangible assets, educational institutions of higher education
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