UDK 330.322 Инвестиции. Образование капитала
UDK 338 Экономическое положение. Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике. Производство. Услуги. Цены
In the context of population growth, climate change and increased requirements for food security, the Krasnodar Territory occupies a strategically important place in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. Ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture in the region is achieved through a comprehensive investment policy, innovation and infrastructure modernization. Government support, the attraction of private and foreign investments, as well as the use of "green" financial instruments contribute to the growth of the volume and quality of agricultural products, reduce the negative impact on the environment and improve socio-economic conditions in rural areas. The analysis of the dynamics of investments, innovation activity and production indicators demonstrates the stable development of the agro-industrial sector of the Krasnodar Territory. The region is confidently leading in the growth rate of agricultural production in the Southern Federal District, which confirms its significant contribution to the country's food security. Taking into account economic, social and environmental factors allows the Krasnodar Territory to create a sustainable and competitive agricultural system focused both on meeting domestic needs and on providing food to other regions of Russia.
investments, agro-industrial complex, Krasnodar Territory, sustainable development, food security, government support, agriculture, socio-economic development, food security
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