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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the formation of a system of neighborhoods in the city of Perm. The analysis is carried out through a retrospective study of each microdistrict, including such indicators as the year of incorporation into the city limits, historical prerequisites for development and current status in the city structure. There are several historical stages in the formation of Perm's urban space, starting with the origin of the settlement around the Egoshikhinsky copper smelter and ending with the modern post-Soviet period. Each stage is characterized by unique urban planning paradigms, from linear development along the Kama River to the industrial model of the Soviet period and the polycentric planning structure of the post-Soviet period. Special attention is paid to the typologization of microdistricts, which are classified based on their genesis and functional specialization, including historical microdistricts, working areas, urban gardening zones, residential areas, special microdistricts, cottage settlements and new developing territories. Typologization makes it possible to understand the social and spatial patterns of urban development and identify the features of each type of neighborhood, such as the relationship with industrial facilities, social integration, environmental aspects and urban potential. The result of the study was the construction of a map of Perm microdistricts in their conditional historical boundaries and the analysis of spatial and temporal transformations of the urban structure. The data obtained allow us to conclude about the influence of natural, economic and political factors on the evolution of Perm's urban morphology.

microdistrict, Perm, retrospective, historical boundaries, historical status, genesis
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