Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the systematization and generalization of the main trends in the transformation of horticulture in Russia in the context of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development. Horticulture in the new realities is changing under the influence of both international and national factors of agricultural development. The digital transformation of agriculture and the intensification of the introduction of scientific and technological development achievements contributed to the development of ways and techniques to reduce the dependence of the industry on weather and climatic conditions. The article presents the results of research in the field of transformation of horticulture in the Russian Federation in the context of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and the climate agenda. The state's climate policy and consideration of environmental aspects are reflected in all spheres of society, including horticulture. A modern garden becomes an aesthetic playground; an ecologically and climatically sustainable environment for growing plants and food that is safe for humanity.

garden, gardening, sustainable development, "green" products, environment, innovation, agriculture, trends, transformation, digital technologies, climate change, natural and climatic conditions
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