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Abstract (English):
The scientific article contains a review of domestic literature on the development of enterprise strategy, modern methods of strategic analysis, market segmentation, search for target markets, development of solutions for expanding sales markets, dissemination of the practices of the largest Russian enterprises. It is noted that the sales markets for agricultural products are specific, since there is government influence on sales volumes and pricing. The chain of grain market segments from production to final consumption is presented, it is indicated that the state takes an active part in market segmentation. It is indicated that the initial stage of the grain market is its production, the grain producer is an agricultural enterprise. Grain distribution channels are processing enterprises and the state, conducting state purchasing interventions. Grain is subject to processing into flour at a processing enterprise. Grain can be supplied to a processing enterprise from an agricultural enterprise or from the state in the form of state trade intervention. The products of the processing enterprise are sent to bread production, to the retail network and for final consumption. It is noted that an important component of the enterprise strategy is the strategy of developing new markets to increase sales volumes. The methodology for calculating the safety factor for entering a new market is presented, its behavior is shown with changes in sales volumes. It is noted that with sales volumes below the break-even point, the safety factor takes a negative value, with sales volumes at the break-even point, the safety factor takes a zero mark, with sales volumes above the break-even point, a typical situation on the market is observed.

agricultural production; grain production; enterprise strategy; strategic analysis; distribution channels; market segments; safety factor of entry into a new market
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