Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the process of forming a land plot for a park in the Leningrad region with the development of several options for placing the boundaries of such a site, as well as options for its arrangement. The authors have developed criteria for a feasibility study of options for the placement of land boundaries based on land management and legislative requirements. As technical characteristics, it is proposed to take into account the number of contours, the number of characteristic points, the area of the land plot, the perimeter, the number of intersections with other land plots, the compactness coefficient. The economic criterion is the cost of creating a boundary plan for the formation of a land plot. Based on the developed criteria, the best option for placing the boundaries of the formed land plot was selected. The authors also proposed an economically and environmentally appropriate option for the arrangement of the park, based on the calculation of the replacement cost of trees, the qualitative condition of green spaces in the park, infrastructure improvements made, which will contribute to improving the urban environment and the quality of life of the population.

land plot formation, feasibility study, public garden, landscaping, land plot formation, boundary design, replacement cost
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