Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study is to analyze the specialization and prospects for the implementation of subsidized land reclamation projects in the regions of the Southern Federal District of Russia in the period 2023–2024. The leader in the number of projects implemented is the Astrakhan region (81 units, 71% of the total). Astrakhan and Volgograd regions are the leaders in the number of projects being implemented – 115 and 111 units, respectively (42,1 and 40,7%). The internal standard differentiation of irrigation and reclamation measures is heterogeneous and is characterized by a predominant focus on the technical re-equipment of reclamation systems (53% of the total number of projects) and the construction of new systems on already used land (41%). Interest in the commissioning and development of unused plots by agricultural producers is weak (about 6% of all projects). The dynamics of project implementation is also heterogeneous with a predominance of completed projects for technical re-equipment (72,1%) and construction (27,8%), and for the commissioning of new lands - less than 0,1%. Among the projects currently being implemented, technical re-equipment (45,9%) and construction (46,7%) account for approximately equally, and 7,4% for the commissioning of new land. Comparative analysis showed that the number of projects under implementation in all regions exceeds the number of projects implemented. The reserve for increasing the pace of implementation of land reclamation projects may be the commissioning of new areas and a reduction from the disposal of existing ones. As calculations showed by 2029, the share of irrigated land in the region's economy may decrease to 55... 71% (to 301,9... 382,3 thousand hectares).

reclamation, irrigation, forecast, economy, regions, reclamation project
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