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Abstract (English):
This research paper examines the specific features of information support for the process management system at an enterprise in the context of digital business transformation, while highlighting the advantages and prospects for the development of this area in order to increase productivity, turnover and profit of the company; the relevance of the topic is confirmed by the high demand for digitalization of business as a tool for strategic development, and it is the creation of information conditions for solving organizational, managerial, trade and other tasks that allows you to quickly achieve your goals; it is important to note that information support is considered as a method of controlling departments, services and personnel of an enterprise to perform labor operations; It requires the introduction of modern information, communication and computer technologies to improve the management sector of the production facility (to simplify operational processes, reduce overall costs, accelerate and improve the efficiency of making various decisions on the production of goods, the allocation of resources, and the stabilization of the enterprise).

information support, digitalization of business, enterprise, digital transformation, process management, information, communication and computer technologies, automation, productivity improvement, strategic development
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