UDK 005 Изучение проблемы организации: методология, анализ, синтез, классификация и таксономия (теория, основы), систематизация в целом
In this research paper, the prospects and advantages of integrating ERP systems in the context of project management at enterprises or commercial organizations are considered, while focusing on the theoretical foundations of business process reengineering as the most relevant direction for improving the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity; traditional and innovative methods of process control are compared, as well as The disadvantages of the classical approach are given, which indicates the need to implement ERP systems; this organizational strategy improves the performance of production, labor use, cash flows and financial management; in the current conditions of existence of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation, it is very important to apply an innovative approach, including the introduction of ERP systems with the development of advanced software to control all operational, production, logistics, trade and other tasks.
project management, ERP systems, integration, entrepreneurship, business processes, reengineering, organizational strategy, commercial organizations, production automation, redesign of business processes
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