Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the main approaches of the theory of economic security. The concepts of "ensuring economic security", "managing economic security", "regulating the economic security of the region" are studied. The impacts affecting the adaptive readiness of the regional economic security complex, reflected in the concepts of "threat", "risk", "factor", "challenge" are noted. The expediency of a multi-vector approach to the organization of regulatory impacts of state and municipal government bodies aimed at ensuring the economic security of the country's regions in the context of overcoming modern threats is determined. A thesis is formulated about the place of regulation of regional economic security as an integral link between the systemic federal level of national security and heterogeneous regions of the country. Using the example of Perm Krai, the dynamics of the main indicators of regional economic security and their relationship with similar indicators of the Volga Federal District and the Russian Federation are considered, and an assessment of existing trends is carried out. The analysis of the elaboration of regulatory and legal documents of the Perm Territory using the extrapolation method of processing official statistics information has established the insufficiency of the measures taken to improve strategic planning in the region in the context of taking into account changing factors and conditions of the external environment. Significant deviations of the achieved results in ensuring the economic security of the Perm Territory from the forecast values approved by the strategic planning documents have been revealed, in particular in achieving the planned indicators in the areas of industrial and environmental safety of the region. It is proposed to revise the content of regulatory documents with the corresponding budget and resource content for the timely adaptation of the region to modern threats and challenges. It is recommended to pay special attention to such areas of economic security of the Perm Territory as: technological sovereignty, investment security and environmental protection.

economic security, region, regulation, economic uncertainty, risks and threats of development, extrapolation method
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