Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the work was to improve the soybean irrigation system during cultivation in small-contour areas, based on the dynamics of moisture reserves in the root soil layer in the conditions of an arid growing season in the arid zone of the Volga region using combined (drip + sprinkler) irrigation, including differentiation of the timing and norms of irrigation by phases of culture development. The article describes the use of drip irrigation in a dry year, when cultivating soybeans in areas of incorrect configuration, having small contours, on which it is impossible to install wide-reach sprinklers. For cultivation in arid conditions of the Volga region, soybeans of the moisture-loving variety "Pokrovskaya" were selected. A description of the use of combined (drip + sprinkler) irrigation of soybeans is given. The dynamics of the moisture supply of crops during drip irrigation and irrigation with sprinklers was analyzed according to the phases of soybean vegetation in the conditions of the arid year of the arid zone, with GTC < 0.4. The use of drip irrigation technology in these conditions will make it possible to additionally introduce land plots into agricultural circulation, which will ensure an increase in the coefficient of land use of agricultural land and an additional yield of soybeans up to 3.4 tons/ha.

irrigation application, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, small-scale plot, soybeans, productivity
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