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Abstract (English):
The article describes the possibilities and feasibility of using digital technologies in agriculture; population growth trends in the world and the need to use smart technologies to ensure increased labor productivity in the industry. The article identifies barriers to the implementation of digitalization in agriculture: lack of accessible infrastructure (broadband and incomplete Internet coverage in the re-gions); partial use of digital technology capabilities; lack of financial resources for the implementation of technologies; distrust of digital technologies; the presence of a large number of reporting forms in the industry; lack of information on digital technologies and the results of their use; low qualification of personnel in the field of digital technologies. The article reflects digital technologies for the formation of smart agriculture in the agro-industrial complex in modern conditions. The produc-tion and financial indicators of the Krasnodarskoye educational farm of the Kuban State Agrarian University over the past 5 years are analyzed as successfully demonstrating the experience of functioning of smart agriculture in the agro-industrial complex of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration.

smart agriculture, agro-industrial complex, digitalization, urban agglomeration, agricultural products, digital technologies
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