Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers and analyzes the international experience of policies of different countries in the field of energy efficiency, energy saving legislation and international standards in the field of energy management, identifies global trends in energy efficiency policy, identifies the leading regions in the field of energy efficiency and provides recommendations for the development of energy policy of the Russian Federation. The models of energy management of urban agglomerations are presented and analyzed. The article describes the solutions to the problems in the field of energy efficiency, which is a necessary condition for ensuring stable economic growth and sustainable development of the economy of each country, which largely depends on the joint efforts of States in the context of globalization of the economy. The action plan of the G8 by the International energy Agency (IEA) and a set of measures set out in the Recommendations of the energy efficiency Policy are presented. The IEA recommends that The G8 leaders immediately implement the presented set of measures to improve energy efficiency.

urban agglomerations, sustainable development, system approach, energy management, energy efficiency

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