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Abstract (English):
The large scale of the Russian road sector requires the use of digital technologies, the creation of digital twins to improve the quality of management, while limited resources should be taken into account. The purpose of the study is to develop and test an approach to the certification of highways based on the creation of digital twins, taking into account Russian regulatory requirements. In this work, digital twins of roads were obtained based on photographic data and laser scanning using a mobile road laboratory. The quality, accuracy, and completeness of digital twin information meet a Russian regulatory requirement, which makes it possible to generate technical passports for registering objects for cadastral registration. The use of digital twins, compared to field inspection of roads, has a 1.5-2.0 times lower cost and reduces the time required for completing work by 2.5-3.0 times.

cadastral registration, technical passport, roads, digital technologies, digital twin, road laboratory
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