UDK 33 Экономика. Народное хозяйство. Экономические науки
This article examines the economic behavior of people from the point of view of unorthodox economic thought. Traditional economic theories often assume that people act rationally and seek to maximize their benefits. However, the real behavior of people is much more complex and multifaceted, which leads to the need to revise classical approaches. It also analyzes the basic principles and methods of unorthodox economic thought, such as behavioral economics, institutional economics, evolutionary economics, and others. The influence of psychological, social and cultural factors on economic decision-making is considered, as well as the role of irrationality and limited rationality in economic behavior. The author emphasizes the need to integrate these approaches into economic theory for a more complete and accurate modeling of economic processes.
economic behavior, unorthodox economic thought, behavioral economics, institutional economics, evolutionary economics, rationality, institutional structures
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