Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. IN AND. Kulakov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Advisor to the Director)
UDK 334 Формы организаций и сотрудничества в экономике
This article characterizes the macroeconomic indicators potentially determining the success of public-private partnerships; it argues that the mechanism of this partnership makes it possible to implement large-scale infrastructure projects with minimal budgetary investments; such partnerships are examined using specific examples implemented in Russia; it is substantiated that in cooperation with PPP the state receives a ready-made project with minimal investments, and the saved funds can be used for other needs; it is concluded that the absolutisation of factors that give advantages in the implementation of PPP projects does not lead to the necessary level of efficiency; despite all the massive advertising at the level of PPP operators who solve the problem of placing the resources provided to them - this is largely due to the fact that the ability to achieve effective project performance is realized in a stable institutional environment, rather than in a better but dynamically developing one.
public-private partnership, investments, budgetary investments, efficiency, contracts, macroeconomic environment, money, legislative factors
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