UDK 33 Экономика. Народное хозяйство. Экономические науки
In the conditions of seismically active regions, the design and construction of buildings faces unique challenges associated with the need to ensure their earthquake resistance. Effective management of these challenges requires a carefully thought-out approach that includes not only engineering, but also economic aspects. This article discusses the methodology of economic assessment of various design solutions for buildings located in areas of high seismic activity. The focus is on analyzing the costs and benefits associated with the introduction of advanced engineering technologies and materials designed to improve the seismic stability of buildings. A comparative analysis of traditional and innovative design solutions is provided, taking into account not only initial investments, but also long-term economic effects, such as reducing the cost of repair and restoration after seismic events, as well as reducing the risk of human casualties and related social and economic losses. The article also provides recommendations on optimizing the cost of construction and operation of buildings in earthquake-prone areas, which may be useful for engineers, architects, investors and government agencies involved in planning and regulating construction. The conclusions emphasize the need to integrate economic assessments into the process of choosing constructive solutions in order to ensure a balance between safety, reliability and economic efficiency of buildings in seismically active areas.
constructive solutions, construction, seismically active zone, design and construction of buildings
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