Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article explores and outlines the participation of the Russian military-industrial complex (DIC) in expanding the range of foreign trade activities and developing the economy of the Russian Federation by producing and releasing for these purposes various types of modern, in-demand and competitive military, civil and dual products on the world and domestic commodity markets. appointments. A definition of the global market for military products (MP) is given, its geography, characteristics, trends and operating features, the implementation of international legal regulation, the value of annual trade turnover, the presence of official and illegal schemes for the sale of weapons and military equipment, and the reasons for the emergence of the latter are revealed. The geography and indicators of the participation of the Russian Federation in this market for the period 2015–2022 are given, its rating among the states that are the main exporters of weapons and military equipment, as well as comparison with the USA and EU countries - the main exporters to the world market of weapons, military equipment and others types of military products, the ratio of their exports to military expenditures and to the gross domestic product. The authors present a correlation regression analysis of the main factors influencing Russia's posi-tion in the world market for weapons, military equipment and other types of military products, including an analysis of the Russian share in global arms exports, as well as an analysis of the share of arms and military equipment exports in Russia's total ex-ports. The conclusions summarize the results of the study, indicating the real, signifi-cant contribution of the Russian defense industry to the development of foreign trade activities and the country's economy in the context of sanctions restrictions and in-creasing global risks.

defense-industrial complex (DIC) of the Russian Federation, world market for military products (MP), indicators of participation of the Russian defense industry in the world market for MP in 2015–2022, correlation-regression analysis of the main factors influencing Russia’s position in the world market, weapons , military equipment and other types of military products
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