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Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the definition and analysis of such a concept as "Internet marketing". In the work will be studied different definitional approaches to the interpretation of this definition, put forward their own judgment about what is Internet marketing based on the analysis of literature and considered briefly retrospective analysis of the formation of Internet marketing, what types of marketing, at what stage it was and still is. The paper will also focus on modern forms of Internet marketing: "Marketing 4.0" and "Marketing 5.0". The author will describe how these types differ from each other and which one should be used by a modern commercial organization. At the same time, the work pays special attention to the need to create at the enterprise is not just traditional marketing, and it is the use of digital technologies inherent in Internet marketing. As a result of the research conclusions are made about the huge influence of Internet marketing on the development of modern enterprises and once again emphasizes that such a new promotion strategy is not stable, it has already developed and there are many of its forms that have changed over time.

Internet marketing, «Marketing 4.0», «Marketing 5.0», Internet marketing tools
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