Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The intensive development of the Russian industrial complex has led to the widespread development of mineral deposits in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This continuous process is accompanied by a negative impact on the environment for a long time. And recently, the scale of mining has been expanding and covering more and more new territories, which causes the urgency of the problem of environmental protection during the intensification and intensification of mining operations in extreme conditions of the cryolithozone. In accordance with the strategy of "Security of Russia", financial resources are allocated annually from the state budget of the republic for various environmental measures to reduce the consequences of anthropogenic impact, but they are sometimes insufficient. Therefore, it is often necessary to attract private investment in order to maintain a stable environmental situation in certain areas of the republic. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the environmental and economic aspects of environmental protection in order to.

environmental protection, cryolithozone, mining operations, anthropogenic impact, state of ecology
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