UDK 338 Экономическое положение. Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике. Производство. Услуги. Цены
Sport as a tool of social integration is attracting increasing attention from researchers who believe that sports initiatives can promote social cooperation and strengthen ties in society. This article presents an analysis of the economic consequences of social cooperation through sports initiatives. The paper examines the mechanisms through which sport can stimulate social integration, such as the formation of team spirit, the development of leadership qualities, increasing self-esteem and social skills of participants. Additionally, the economic benefits associated with participation in sports events are analyzed, including reducing healthcare costs by improving public health, reducing criminal justice costs, and increasing labor productivity through a healthy lifestyle. The work also draws attention to the role of public policy and the private sector in supporting sports initiatives as a tool for social integration and achieving economic benefits for society.
sport, social integration, social cooperation, sports initiatives
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