Russian Federation
UDK 528.44 Кадастровые съемки
In this paper, the analysis of the results of cadastral works on the sections of the map of the village of Baykalovo is carried out. Cadastral work includes topographic and geodetic measurements, land assessment and cadastral planning. Geoinformation systems and specialized programs were used for the analysis. It is shown that residential buildings and a warehouse area prevail on the map sections. Digitized sections of the map were used for data analysis. The analysis of the correspondence of these cadastral documents to the actual situation on the ground was carried out. It is shown that the analysis of the results of cadastral works is an important tool for identifying errors and inaccuracies in cadastral data. In addition, the data and the difference in the areas of different zones on the map sections are presented. These data allow us to assess the differences between the actual characteristics of the objects and the data recorded in the cadastral documents.
land inventory, geographical information systems, zoning of the territory, cadastral works
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