UDK 338.439 Продовольственный комплекс (экономика питания, экономика продовольствия, продуктов питания). Продовольственный вопрос
The article analyzes the current state of Russian food security. During the study, methods of comparison, statistical analysis and grouping, and the method of differential calculus were used. The article analyzes the indicators of food independence for basic food products to determine their compliance with the Food Security Doctrine. Evaluation of the current situation in the field of food consumption in Russia is given. Indicators of economic accessibility are calculated, and the dynamics of consumption levels for the main types of products are presented. An assessment was made of the compliance of actual food consumption with established rational consumption standards, what made it possible to identify high differentiation in consumption by decile groups of the population and a worse situation among its low-income part.
food, food security, food independence, agriculture, consumption
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