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Abstract (English):
The scientific article contains a review of economic publications presenting scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of pricing in the agricultural sector of the economy: establishing the optimal level of purchase, wholesale and retail prices for agricultural products, ensuring the growth of financial results by increasing income from the sale of products, identifying the dynamics food market, forecasting price dynamics in agricultural production, methodology of pricing policy and price relations of agricultural organizations. A production feasibility study was conducted for the expected sales volume. The influence of sales timing (first batches or the main harvest of agricultural products) and price on the amount of demand (expected sales volume) is shown. A function has been constructed for the dependence of sales volume on the price of agricultural products, clearly showing that an increase in sales volume is possible if the price of agricultural products decreases. It is indicated that at the beginning of the season, a high price repels the consumer, this negatively affects the amount of revenue. A paired regression equation was constructed, and the expected sales volume was determined using regression analysis. The methodology for calculating the total costs of production, their classification depending on the degree of variability (the influence of the expected sales volume) is shown. It is noted that in total costs there is a constant part (fixed costs that do not depend on the expected sales volume) and a variable part (variable costs that change in direct proportion to changes in the expected sales volume). A profit generation model is described, including data from a regression analysis of the expected sales volume and calculation of the total costs of production.

agricultural production, pricing, parametric pricing methods, regression analysis, total costs, fixed costs, variable costs
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