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Abstract (English):
In today's world, in the age of comprehensive digitalization of all spheres of human life and activity, economy and production, it is impossible to differentiate one of the branches of the national economy from this process, as it will inevitably lead to a violation of natural interaction processes and have a negative impact on the final result of such interaction. Russia's agro-industrial complex in the emerging situation, as well as other major sectors of the Russian economy, is subject to digital transformation, but so far it lags significantly behind other areas of production in the level of implementation of IT solutions, due to a significant gap in the level of development, state of the raw material base, availability of production resources and tools between large agricultural organizations (agricultural holdings) and medium and small agricultural organizations (subsidiary and peasant farms, Today there is no clear understanding of a comprehensive approach to the organization of the process of digital transformation of all levels of the agricultural industry, which does not allow to implement this process in practice, leaving it only a project "on paper".

digitalization of the agroindustrial complex of Russia, digital transformation of the agroindustrial complex, digital technology, agriculture, digitalization, information technology
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