Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents an analysis of current trends and current problems of the mechanism of challenging the status of accidents of apartment buildings in court. The definitions of the concepts of dilapidated and emergency condition of the building are analyzed and systematized, the key differences in the interpretation and application of the concepts are indicated. Described the procedure for recognition of apartment buildings emergency in the framework of existing legislation and identified the major weaknesses of the existing practice of implementation of this procedure. On the basis of the authors ' expert practice, the main directions of the applied forensic expert and investigations are considered, the problems of construction and technical research in such cases are analyzed and typical errors of experts are revealed. Recommendations that contribute to the solution of these problems need to improve the regulatory framework in terms of regulation of the current mechanism of recognition of multi-apartment buildings emergency, tighter control and supervision in the work of the Commission, strengthening the Commission by competent experts-builders. There is also an obvious need to improve the skills of judicial experts of builders and more careful selection of expert organizations for construction and technical research through the introduction of self-regulation or other forms of control.

emergency and dilapidated apartment buildings, judicial construction and technical expertise, challenging the status of accidents
The paper presents an analysis of current trends and current problems of the mechanism of challenging the status of accidents of apartment buildings in court. The definitions of the concepts of dilapidated and emergency condition of the building are analyzed and systematized, the key differences in the interpretation and application of the concepts are indicated. Described the procedure for recognition of apartment buildings emergency in the framework of existing legislation and identified the major weaknesses of the existing practice of implementation of this procedure. On the basis of the authors ' expert practice, the main directions of the applied forensic expert and investigations are considered, the problems of construction and technical research in such cases are analyzed and typical errors of experts are revealed. Recommendations that contribute to the solution of these problems need to improve the regulatory framework in terms of regulation of the current mechanism of recognition of multi-apartment buildings emergency, tighter control and supervision in the work of the Commission, strengthening the Commission by competent experts-builders. There is also an obvious need to improve the skills of judicial experts of builders and more careful selection of expert organizations for construction and technical research through the introduction of self-regulation or other forms of control.

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