Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Stavropol region is one of the largest agricultural regions of the country, producing more than 3% of gross output. Long intensive use of land has led to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the region and the development of degradation processes. According to the set of conditions, the territory of the Stavropol territory is a favorable zone for the spread of wind and water erosion. Land potentially subject to wind erosion occupies 81% of the agricultural land and water - 46%. Active manifestation of erosion processes is manifested in 25.7% of the arable land (1009 thousand hectares), that is, every fourth hectare of arable land is destroyed by water and wind. At the same time, 40.3% of the arable land is subject to blowing, 13.2% - to the action of water erosion and 2.2% - to the combined effect of water and wind. The developed complex measures for agro-climatic zones of Stavropol region and the system of land zoning on productivity will allow to correct this situation and stabilize the quality of land. Monitoring of the main negative processes and the qualitative state of agricultural land allows us to formulate a new scientific direction - zoning of agricultural land by their impact on degradation processes and productivity.

Stavropol region, agricultural land, monitoring, degradation processes, recommendations for land conservation
Stavropol region is one of the largest agricultural regions of the country, producing more than 3% of gross output. Long intensive use of land has led to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the region and the development of degradation processes. According to the set of conditions, the territory of the Stavropol territory is a favorable zone for the spread of wind and water erosion. Land potentially subject to wind erosion occupies 81% of the agricultural land and water - 46%. Active manifestation of erosion processes is manifested in 25.7% of the arable land (1009 thousand hectares), that is, every fourth hectare of arable land is destroyed by water and wind. At the same time, 40.3% of the arable land is subject to blowing, 13.2% - to the action of water erosion and 2.2% - to the combined effect of water and wind. The developed complex measures for agro-climatic zones of Stavropol region and the system of land zoning on productivity will allow to correct this situation and stabilize the quality of land. Monitoring of the main negative processes and the qualitative state of agricultural land allows us to formulate a new scientific direction - zoning of agricultural land by their impact on degradation processes and productivity.

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