Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article data on use of land resources in the territory of the municipal unit of the Kachugsky city settlement of the Irkutsk region for the purpose of further planning on development of the settlement and adoption of management decisions are analysed. On the basis of the available data on land resources charts of distribution of their use on characteristics and signs are provided. Conclusions are as a result drawn on need of the similar analysis of use of land resources.

land resources, permitted use, the type of rights, management
In article data on use of land resources in the territory of the municipal unit of the Kachugsky city settlement of the Irkutsk region for the purpose of further planning on development of the settlement and adoption of management decisions are analysed. On the basis of the available data on land resources charts of distribution of their use on characteristics and signs are provided. Conclusions are as a result drawn on need of the similar analysis of use of land resources.

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