Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Spatial differentiation of the hydrochemical composition of groundwater is largely determined by basin organization of the territory. Basin analysis of the Khovu-Aksy arsenide-cobalt deposit using calculated of structural indices of areas, lengths, slopes and bifurcation allowed to determine the peculiarities of transfer and accumulation of lithostream, transit specialization of the basin in the integral link. The analysis also revealed the connection of the chemical composition of groundwater with the peculiarities of erosion-accumulative processes of the territory. The groundwater chemistry of Quaternary deposits in the the Khovu-Aksy deposit is formed in the integral part of the basin as a result of the impact of both natural and anthropogenic sources. With increasing distance from the pollution sources in underground waters of the deluvial-proluvial horizon, the mineralization values decrease from 0.68 to 0.3 g/l and the total hardness from 7.1 to 3.2 mg-EQ/l. Alluvial waters that forming in other geomorphological conditions of the right bank of Elegest differ both in mineralization (0.14-0.17 g/l) and in the total hardness (1.36-1.60 mg-EQ/l). The practical absence of water pollution by ore-forming heavy metals (Nickel, cobalt, copper) and arsenic that typical for the Deposit and storage cards, is explained by the transit specialization of integrated link of the catchment basin. The basin analysis that carried out to assess the ecological status of groundwater together with field morphometric studies and hydrochemical testing allows simulating of accumulation conditions and accumulation of natural and anthropogenic pollution in different basins.
structural indexes, basin organization of territory, Khovu-Aksy arsenide-cobalt deposit, tailings dam, groundwater, hydrochemical composition
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