Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Features of activity in the transport industry are actively studied in science and practice, but their prospects in the context of the introduction of Lean production is a complex and time - consuming issue. The history of the study of the problem has only a few decades, as a result of which no stable approaches to its analysis by Russian scientists have been formed.

lean manufacturing, transport, Russian Railways
The Features of activity in the transport industry are actively studied in science and practice, but their prospects in the context of the introduction of Lean production is a complex and time - consuming issue. The history of the study of the problem has only a few decades, as a result of which no stable approaches to its analysis by Russian scientists have been formed.

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2. Feygenson N. B. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo i sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva: seriya dokladov (zelenyh knig) v ramkah proekta «Promyshlennyy i tehnologicheskiy forsayt Rossiyskoy Federacii» / N.B. Feygenson, I.S. Mackevich, M.S. Lipeckaya // Fond «Centr strategicheskih razrabotok «Severo-Zapad». - SPb., 2012. - Vyp. 1 - 71s.

3. Frolova L. V. Formirovanie biznes-modeli predpriyatiya / L. V. Frolova, E. S. Kravchenko - K. : Centr uchebnoy literatury, 2012. - 384 s.

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