Russian Federation
The Features of activity in the transport industry are actively studied in science and practice, but their prospects in the context of the introduction of Lean production is a complex and time - consuming issue. The history of the study of the problem has only a few decades, as a result of which no stable approaches to its analysis by Russian scientists have been formed.
lean manufacturing, transport, Russian Railways
1. Veyder M. Instrumenty berezhlivogo proizvodstva: Mini-rukovodstvo po vnedreniyu metodik berezhlivogo proizvodstva / Maykl Veyder. - Per. s angl. - M. : Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005. - 125 s.
2. Feygenson N. B. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo i sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva: seriya dokladov (zelenyh knig) v ramkah proekta «Promyshlennyy i tehnologicheskiy forsayt Rossiyskoy Federacii» / N.B. Feygenson, I.S. Mackevich, M.S. Lipeckaya // Fond «Centr strategicheskih razrabotok «Severo-Zapad». - SPb., 2012. - Vyp. 1 - 71s.
3. Frolova L. V. Formirovanie biznes-modeli predpriyatiya / L. V. Frolova, E. S. Kravchenko - K. : Centr uchebnoy literatury, 2012. - 384 s.