Russian Federation
Today, one of the drivers of revolutionary transformations in the world economic system and changes in the hierarchy of world centers of power is the development of the digital economy based on the fourth industrial revolution, which relies on cyber-physical systems, the fusion of advanced digital, physical and biological technologies. The goal of the article is to study the changing paradigms of management and the functioning of modern enterprises in the context of the development of the digital economy. Research methods: system analysis, induction and deduction, comparison, forecasting. The article discusses modern technologies and their prospects, analyzes the dimensions of the digital entrepreneurship program, identifies features of digital marketing, describes the values of entrepreneurship in the digital economy era. Also, special attention is paid to the key benchmarks of the enterprises, which are aimed at building qualitatively new management models based on modern digital technologies. The results of the study allow us to conclude that digital technologies have a significant impact on the economic conditions and management of enterprises, which predetermines their transition from the cult of efficiency and rationality to focusing on openness, democratization, sociologization, creativity of organizational processes, non-linearity of management hierarchical chains and diversity of trajectories successful development.
enterprise, digital economy, technology, management, marketing, Industry 4.0, market, transformation, value
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